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Reporting Concerns

Reporting Concerns

If you are concerned about a child or young person, please call the telephone numbers below.

  • During office hours Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm, call children's services on 0300 555 0050. Select option 3;
  • Out of office hours, contact the Emergency Duty Team on 0300 555 8574;
  • In an emergency call 999.

When you contact us, you will speak to a professional who will listen to your concerns. They may take a few details and might need to contact you again, but your concern will be dealt with quickly and appropriately. You do not need to provide your name or give contact details if you do not wish to do so. Anonymous calls will not be ignored.

Alternatively, contact the NSPCC on 0800 800 5000.

If you are a child or young person and are worried and you feel you need to speak to someone, call ChildLine on 0800 1111 or visit

If you think it is an emergency call 999.

More information on how to make a referral can be found from Multi Agency Safeguarding Front Door.

If you are unsure the West Midlands Regional Safeguarding Procedures Manual will be able to help guide you or the Dudley’s Support Level Guidance and Framework which tells you which types of services a family may need to get support.

Alternatively, you can call ChildLine for advice on 0800 1111 or email them by visiting

If you think a child is in immediate danger, call the emergency services on 999.

To report concerns or allegations against people who work or volunteer with children please contact the Dudley’s Local Authority Designated Officer.

Last Updated: February 28, 2025
